electronic energy of a diatomic molecule artinya
- electronic: elektronik; ahli elektronika; listrik
- energy: daya; energi; tenaga; gaya; kehebatan; daya
- diatomic: dwiatom
- diatomic molecule: molekul dwiatom; molekul diatomik
- molecule: hama; molekul; hancur; titik; partikel; habuk;
- dissociation energy of diatomic molecule: tenaga berai molekul dwiatom
- electronic spectrum of molecule: spektrum elektronik molekul
- electronic energy level: aras tenaga elektronik
- molecule: hama; molekul; hancur; titik; partikel; habuk; zarah; remah; atom; palit; bintik; butir; calit
- diatomic elements: diatomicelements
- diatomic gas: gas dwiatom
- diatomic gases: gas dwiatom
- diatomic lattice: kekisi dwiatom
- gram molecule: mol
- gramme-molecule: gram-molekul